Minutes of Killeen Community Council AGM Meeting Date: Thursday October 6th 2022 @ 8.30 pm in Killeen Community Centre
Attended by: [withheld] PMC N welcomed everyone and thanked all for attending the meeting. EO’M read out Minutes of AGM held on 10/06/2021. Minutes proposed by Tommie Joe Jennings and seconded by Ted O’ Dea), Minutes signed by P Mc N. Matters arising/outstanding from the AGM of 10.06.2021- None
Treasurer’s report /adoption of accounts Copy of income & Expenditure Accounts for 2021 & 2022 were circulated & read out by M O’G (copy attached) Accounts were adopted. Proposed by Ted O’Dea and seconded by Joe Cannon There was brief discussion on the Benefit Fund and it’s purpose in the community if ever needed. M O’G said this account has gone dormant 3 times so the balance has been moved into our Credit Union account as well as a €55 balance in the Community Alert Account. €3807 grant due into account soon from the Community Activities Fund. TJJ asked if funding can be added to the Benefit Fund again in the future. It costs approximately €10k per annum to run the centre with careful management of funds.
Chairman’s Address Condolences to all our community members who have lost family members during the year. Best wishes to Bernie Coyne for good health and a speedy recovery. Chairman PMcN thanked the following:
Mark Reid & Maura Murphy and the RSS staff for their hard work. Excellent resource in the area.
Thanks to Christy Gibbons for cutting grass
Thanks to Joe Corcoran for his work on the ride on lawnmower- he kindly didn’t charge the community council at all for many hours of labour.
Bernie Coyne and Geraldine McNally for their work in the centre, cemetery, and planting flowers. Thanks to Geraldine for her work as caretaker of the centre
Cemetery Committee
Michael O’ Grady & Eileen O’Malley for their help during the year
Thanks to Egbert Polski who manages our website
Thanks to local elected Councillors for support throughout the year
Thanks to all who helped prepare for the 2021 Pride of Place Competition
General Updates
Lease of building to Killeen Childcare Ltd is being organized and will be valid for 4 years & 9 months
Work plan for the coming year due to be submitted to Maura Murphy RSS Supervisor
. The fundraiser in June was a great success- Thanks to all who helped. New fundraising methods to be considered into the future- the gofundme on line method was very successful.
Joe Cannon thanked the current committee for all their hard work and this was supported with applause
Public toilet a great facility in the area- rota in place for opening/closing.
P McN circulated a letter received from the SWDC if anyone wanted to nominate someone in the group to join the SWMDC representing the Clew Bay and Islands area.
Ted mentioned a seat in the cemetery would be nice- one might be sponsored by a local business.
Funding applied for under the Community Centres Development Fund- no news on funding allocation at this time. Improvement to gates & entrance to centre and solar panels was included on the application form submitted in July 2022.
Killeen Lotto- Subscriptions due in by 7/10/22- new committee in place. Good response to groups helping with the rota- but short 1 or 2 helpers at this time.
Election of Officers:
Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Secretary all stepped down.
EOM proposed Elisibeth Salter as secretary- seconded by SOM- Elisibeth accepted the role- EOM will assist for this year as Assistant Secretary
PMcN proposed Joe Cannon as Chairman-Seconded by TOD- Joe accepted the role- PMC to be Vice Chair for the year.
Andrea Keating accepted role of Treasurer- proposed by SOM & seconded by TJJ – MOG to be Vice Treasurer for the year
JC as incoming Chairman said some main objectives are to improve the road from Louisburgh to Thallabawn, target Councillors for financial support and organize the KCC elections. Voting slips must have the KCC stamp. MOG said only one Councilor Peter Flynn contributed GMA Funding to us of €1000 in 2022.
A representative from Big Style was invited to join the committee- proposed by TOD, seconded by SOM. They accepted the invitation. They also agreed to join the Killeen Lotto rota.
Sarah Fadden was invited to join the committee- proposed by PMN and seconded by SOM- Sarah accepted the invitation. PMCN also proposed that Eugene Coyne & Christina Langan to join the committee- seconded by SOM- both accepted the invitation.
Any other business
Christina Langan & Siobhan Loughrey asked if you actually have to reside in Killeen to join KCC- it is detailed in the KCC constitution. Copy to be eMailed to new KCC members.