Killeen Community Council Fundraiser was held on 24th August 2019 in P. Dan’s Bar in Killadoon. Chairman Padraic McNamara welcomed everyone and thanked all who supported the fundraiser buying and selling tickets. He also thanked the sponsors who kindly donated the prizes: Archers, Castlebar, Homeland Stores, Westport; Clew Bay Oil, Westport Hotel Group; SuperValu Westport; Corrib Oil. Jim McDonnell, local Peace Commissioner was present during the draw. Funds generated pay for the general day to day expenses for the maintenance of the centre and the cemeteries. Thanks to the Rural & Social Scheme for the great work they do in our area and their supervisors, Mark Reed and Maura Murphy, for their co-operation and assistance during the year. Thanks to Padraic, Bernie and staff at P. Dans for providing the food and entertainment for this evening.
Congratulations to the 7 prize winners. 1st Prize: €300 sponsored by Killeen Community Council Ltd- won by Patrick Corrigan, Woodfield 2nd Prize: €200 voucher sponsored by Homeland Stores, Westport won by Mrs. Christina Langan, Thallabawn 3rd Prize: €200 voucher sponsored by Archers Castlebar won by Mrs. Deirdre Connolly, c/o Scanlon, Feenone 4th prize: €150 voucher sponsored by Clew Bay Oil- won by Miss Lily Kellegher Kilcoyne, Killadoon 5th prize: €100 voucher sponsored by Westport Hotel Group- won by Mr. Padraic McNamara, Kinnadoohey 6th prize: €100 voucher sponsored by SuperValu Westport- won by Miss Lizzie O’Malley, Curradavitt 7th Prize: €50 voucher sponsored by Corrib Oil- won by Miss Elaine Morrison, Louisburgh
Event organised by Killeen Community Council Ltd. Supported by Mayo Sports Partnership & Mayo County Council